Bug: Updating citation collections
I'm getting the following error when trying to remove a collection from a citation:
org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: could not execute batch could not execute batch (conn=105321) Duplicate entry '1609-BOLD' for key 'uq_bib_citation_collection'
The record in the database is:
"id": 1609,
"active": false,
"version": 8,
"uuid": "0081b623-6704-4dec-8d8a-c4a4effd3ef8",
"title": "Cloning and expression of a wild eggplant cytochrome P450 gene, StoCYP77A2, involved in plant resistance to *Verticillium dahliae*",
"publicationYear": 2015,
"authors": [
"lastName": "Yang",
"otherNames": "Liu"
"lastName": "Shi",
"otherNames": "Ce"
"lastName": "Mu",
"otherNames": "Xiaoying"
"lastName": "Liu",
"otherNames": "Chao"
"lastName": "Shi",
"otherNames": "Ke"
"lastName": "Zhu",
"otherNames": "Wenjiao"
"lastName": "Yang",
"otherNames": "Qing"
"keywords": [
"Turkey berry",
"Solanum torvum",
"Neglected crops",
"collections": [
"Plant breeding",
"Cultivation and agricultural practices",
"taxonomyFamilies": [
"taxonomySpecies": [
"Solanum torvum"
"instituteCodes": [],
"doi": "10.1007/s11816-015-0355-6",
"urls": [
"publication": "Plant Biotechnology Reports",
"publisher": "Springer Science and Business Media LLC",
"language": "en",
"volume": "9",
"issue": "4",
"pages": "167-177",
"serialNumber": "1863-5474",
"downloadUrl": null,
"abstractText": "Plant P450 enzymes are key to plant responses to environmental stresses, including pathogen defense and secondary metabolite biosynthesis. In this study, a cDNA sequence, *StoCYP77A2*, was cloned from *Solanum torvum* in response to *Verticillium dahliae* infection. *StoCYP77A2* expression increased in infected plants, particularly in stems, and when introduced into tobacco, enhanced resistance to *V. dahliae*. This suggests *StoCYP77A2* aids in producing antifungal compounds, contributing to plant defense.",
"sourceType": null,
"relevance": null,
"owner": {
"id": 57,
"uuid": "c0536c85-bcf4-4734-aadc-b8bd0eab2f31",
"shortName": "GCDT",
"name": "Global Crop Diversity Trust",
"email": null,
"phone": null,
"address": null
"state": "DRAFT",
"statusText": null,
"linkedCitation": null,
"sourceData": "TY - JOUR\r\nDO - 10.1007/s11816-015-0355-6\r\nUR - http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11816-015-0355-6\r\nTI - Cloning and expression of a wild eggplant cytochrome P450 gene, StoCYP77A2, involved in plant resistance to Verticillium dahliae\r\nT2 - Plant Biotechnology Reports\r\nAU - Yang, Liu\r\nAU - Shi, Ce\r\nAU - Mu, Xiaoying\r\nAU - Liu, Chao\r\nAU - Shi, Ke\r\nAU - Zhu, Wenjiao\r\nAU - Yang, Qing\r\nPY - 2015\r\nDA - 2015/06/24\r\nPB - Springer Science and Business Media LLC\r\nSP - 167-177\r\nIS - 4\r\nVL - 9\r\nSN - 1863-5466\r\nSN - 1863-5474\r\nER - \r\n"
I'm trying to remove "GCCS" and when hitting Save, the error above is displayed.
Edited by Matija Obreza