started on Sep 19, 2017
Genesys release 2.2
October 2017
- fb7c84ff Using same-origin CorsProcessor implementation
- 4aa85cab CORS
- 7c2dacfa Use the first CDN server name for all resources, others are still used for tileserver
- 22b154a0 CORS enabled in Spring Security
- 474d143f CORS on web fonts required in Chrome and FF
- e669c2a3 Friendly cache headers
- 34963593 Cleanup
- 0f1257e2 baseUrl and cdnServers exposed as request attributes
- 8f48536d Export repository metadata reviewed
- 5834281c Download repository metadata for an institute
- 982d5feb Fixed JS errors in Explorer
- 913f6817 Article slugs without dot
- a0b040fd Сursor has shifted, difficult to catch the Login button
- 924ab8c9 Accession map on mobile, fixed link opening, centered the map.
- 521d6ac1 Display audited changes to accession data
- d6dda6db Auditing accession data
- 731dcbb9 Use ClassPkService
- a6108dec Using Hibernate's @Type uuid-binary for UUID
- 1e35ebdd Always upsert sample data
- c80dedd9 Optional INSTCODE in "add many"
- 20d8adb8 Respect Institute files permissions
- 6a1e217f Logging fixed
- a9a7f62f Updated references to git repository and public issue tracker on Bitbucket
- bf0d0b8b Fixed invalid back link in edit permissions for a list (fixes #191 (closed))
- 58864c69 Spring security: == #userId
- 17db3ff2 User can't generate FTP password
- 4378004a Configurable default admin credentials and initial OAuth client
- a52d0824 PDCI calculation for CROPNAME and ORIGCTY fixed
- 88f336dc Enable repository MetadataInStorageAspect
- a0cb3fe2 Documented missing "metadataFilename" in images API
- 152d55c2 Bug on rendering 404 error page
- 7f295600 Renamed classes in org.genesys2.spring.config
- 8d47121b DOI link buggy
- 8b130ba3 Added link to manage accession files
- 7f5bd8dc Fix: Update accession count on startup
- 0a79d0b1 File management for institutes
- 7a88f45e Add accession data on startup
- 0d26b7a2 CRM updates
- 8c9e8211 Tests refactored
- 8e68c40c app-blocks:1.3-SNAPSHOT requires #getDefaultUserRole, #listAvailableRoles
- 05ec1688 Article#template review
- 8b48d5ea Article#template are not indexed in ES
- 0097c5d8 Use Spring's mappers instead of parsing Strings
- cc7b1af0 Build config and CI
- a12b7337 Admin menu updated
- b32ec214 Upgrades for spring-security-oauth2 version 2+
- cdc843a1 API Documentation updated
- 52d7317e Major updates to OAuth
- 7e7b8d3c Using appblocks-security OAuth implementation
- 0470bb37 Genesys Server reconfiguration
- ca218337 Enabled Swagger UI
- 80d220cf Automatically deploy branches to Docker
- 45d06255 - added services for clear DOIs
- ac5ea2e4 Link to Crops index page from homepage
- 256c1ab8 Issue #123 (closed)-fix-all-crops-list-page
- 828fb69b add title for information area
- 40400d6b show extra data on the crop list page
- 9f0f0402 “All crops” page
- 837a4fb2 Error editing repository item properties
- 3a60c816 New verification tokens live for 48 hours
- 1dfe2b06 Buttons has different width; Fixed "Edit permissions" button
- c9eafbe6 Texts for HTTP error codes
- f2af16bf HTTP error 500
- 6d240177 Display acceNumb for Accession and AccessionDetails
- d3e36a23 Return "" for empty html
- a3dbadd7 Moved institute files to /wiews/INSTCODE
- 678f3992 Log effective bytes storage configuration
- 87da0417 Update default for Docker image
- bf4a17cf JUnit tests updated
- b472814c FTP server configuration
- 473831a1 Genesys FTP continued
- 3a95717f Genesys FTP
- dbff36cf file-repository:0.9-SNAPSHOT
- 49b89ef9 INSTCODE first in Excel export
- a8b0d605 AccessionIdentifier3 includes DOI, AccessionRepository refactored
- dece2d04 Support for DOI upload
- f5af16a3 DOI Utils
- 0250684e BasicUserService#assureGoodPassword is exposed in app-blocks:1.2-SNAPSHOT
- bc232ba0 FTP password
- c353915c MaxPageLimitException log
- 21cc575d "Results per page" functionality - incorrect behavior
- 13d4b2f1 Fixed dataset accession display